Adventures of an aspiring biologist in a little island called Taiwan.

Friday, August 19, 2011

In the end...there can only be one...right?

Lately I have been hearing many different opinions and points of view about love and relationships. About how you can be in a relationship and still have "fun" with other people because in the end there is nothing romantically involved and you still love your partner. About once being in a relationship, not to be involved intimately or romantically with somebody else cause that is something you only do with your partner. About monogamy. About polygamy. About how humans are NOT meant to be monogamous. About how humans ARE meant to be monogamous. About the difficulty of knowing you are with the right person unless you try different things. About the ease of knowing you are with the right person, because you just know and because you feel it. About how something physical is just that, something physical. About how something physical is more than just being something physical.

What I noticed about the people I heard these things from was that the people with a more "open" point of view were from the northern hemisphere whilst the "closed" ones were from the south. Even more specifically, the "open" were from Europe and the "closed" from Latin America.

I was interested in getting to understand both points of view, hear what they had to say, where do they stand, etc. as well as asking questions along the way, the first being "If you are in a relationship, and you try something with somebody else, and you find out you like it...what then?". The answer was simply "Then you break up, it was not meant to be." Makes sense, but it was quickly followed by "It wouldn't be considered cheating.". That completely clashes with the Latin American point of view about being loyal and monogamous, cause that would be considered cheating right from the start with no other way of looking at things. And when I asked the "closed" "Don't you ever wonder what it would be to have something different, with somebody else?" The answers I got were more in the lines of "I am completely comfortable with what I have, I see no need in finding something else or do something stupid in search of 'fun'."  I don't know if it is of relevance to point out the fact that the "open" and "closed" that said this both had their longest relationships to be 6 months and 2 years respectively.

Personally, I believe that once I am with the right somebody and want to actually build a relationship with that person, then I should be comfortable and wouldn't have the need to look elsewhere. If it is the contrary, then I see no sense or need in continuing the relationship being uncomfortable and/or with needs my partner should fulfill. In a less selfish stance, I also don't find it fair to waste somebody else's time as well as giving up their chances to meet somebody else that would truly be fit for that person.

I just find it amusing how we all are different people, and have different opinions as well as points of view...Even with something so simple yet so complicated like love. 

But in the end...there can only be one big love...right?

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