Adventures of an aspiring biologist in a little island called Taiwan.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

What will Fukaluo do?

Yes, that is just the right question. 

I live in an island in which what inhabitants lack in social skills, they make up for hardworking attitude. They all keep going about, doing their own things, studying their own subjects, working till late hours, but do they actually take the time to think on where they are going? On what they are actually doing? If they like what they are doing? But most of all, what will they do? I think that the 2 years and a half that I've had as an observer of the Taiwanese society have made these sort of questions pop in my head. I sometimes feel that the Taiwanese miss out terribly on lots of things, specifically, social aspects of their life. But not only does it reflect on their personalities, it is painfully obvious. And by painful, I mean the wrong choices that they take to handle situations, like a simple conversation for example. They get all worried when talking to a foreigner. They might studder, sweat, blush, worry, walk away, or all of the above at once. This in turn worries me. Gets me thinking if they are liking the life they have now, or the life they will have if it continues. Of course, not all Taiwanese are like this. But its the average case that a foreigner might encounter.

I must confess that I did some thinking myself for the day. On what I am doing, what will I do, if I'm doing it right, and such. Sometimes you just need to ask these questions and take the time to really stop and analyze what you are doing.

So...? Just like every Pokemon game asks you when you are in the middle of a battle and its your turn to choose an action, what will Fukaluo do?

One thing I am sure of right now, though, is...
I'm having dinner.

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