Adventures of an aspiring biologist in a little island called Taiwan.

Sunday, March 11, 2012 Golden?

If I am silent...I am not real...
If I speak one will hear...
If I wear a mask...there's somewhere to hide...
If I raise my voice...will someone get hurt...?
And if I can't feel...then I won't get touched...
If no truths are lies can hide...

My favorite lines out of a song from a band I really like, Garbage. The lyrics have recently left me thinking...well not recently, but more now than ever. They make me think, about what happens when we say things. When we express what's on our minds, when we express our feelings...'Cause once they're out in the open, once they are uttered out of your mouth...whether it'd be a good thing or a bad thing. You can't push them back in, or no matter how hard you pretend it never did, and those words are out there. I believe that even if you prepped before saying what you had to say, and imagining what would go down and how it would might be actually harder to deal with.

So, those lines from the song...I feel I might understand the meaning behind them, but let me interpret them in my own way.

By not making yourself count, you remain in the background. You need to speak up in order to get noticed, to get heard. Otherwise by remaining silent things will still move on, they will still carry on even though you might disagree or are against whats happened. You are no longer part of reality unless you make yourself real.

Then we have the fear of rejection upon speaking, the fear of being ignored...which would result in not taking action. I, for some time, was also this way. Thinking that if I spoke up it was not gonna be of any use. No one would care, or worse...I would be shunned for doing so. So in the end, our insecurities and doubts overwhelm us to the point of remaining silent.

Pretending...pretending that you share the same opinion, pretending that nothing is wrong, pretending that you are ok with the situation, or to just take on a different attitude just to keep your thoughts and feelings inside. That way no one has to know whats going on, or even better! You adapt yourself to whats going out of your own little world so that you don't have to say anything. You're hiding.

Then we have the line I've been feeling identified with the most for a while now..."If I raise my voice, will someone get hurt?".  I am the type of person who doesn't like to talk about my own problems with other people. I've always thought that people have their own troubles, why would I went them to hear mine? I should be able to find a solution to my problems on my own...but I bet you might also know a thing or two that sometimes you should actually ask for help...or the fact of sharing your problems to the right person without receiving any help is, in fact, a big relief. Most of the times I don't say what's on my mind or when I keep my feelings inside is because I feel that if I do, I will hurt the other person. And there's no taking it back. Therefore I just keep silent, so that the other person doesn't feel bad about it. It seems pretty easy. Respect to the other person, you know. But I don't know what to do, when it starts affecting me. For example, when you change your view about someone else and they notice that you have distanced yourself. I don't know if to speak up and say what's on my mind, or just pretend everything's cool. You may take this example even further when it comes to couples and marriages. What then? You've been together for so long, is it really worth mentioning? Is it just a phase?

When you distance yourself, or demonstrate a lack of interest people will do the same. They will slide away, 'cause who wants to be with someone who doesn't mind about anything or isn't interesting about anything.

And the last line may have different points of view, but the way I see it is that when nobody comes up with the truth, it gives so much space for lies, omissions and whatnot. When no truths are spoken, any lie can be out there in the open. Therefore lies can't hide, anybody can see them....but can they recognize them?

Just sharing some thoughts. Anyway, check out the band. It's a great band that started in 1994 and will soon have new album out. This specific song is from their 3rd studio album, Beautiful Garbage. They have cool songs throughout their career.